Oudelandse Boeren Cheese
“Oudelandse Boeren” is a range of cheeses that consists of both farmhouse cheeses and farmer’s cheeses. The recipe has been compiled by various cheese connoisseurs. Pure nature, without food coloring, made from the best milk and made in due process by the best farmers. The milk made for the cheese making of the “Oudelandse Boeren” is specially selected from farmers from the region called “Groene Hart”. You can read the story of the farmer who made the cheese by clicking on the cheeses.
In 1968, Evert Treur, the founder of Treur Kaas, bought his second warehouse on the Oudelandseweg in Woerden. Originally, this new building was an old flour mill. Eventually, the Oudelandseweg had room for 320,000 kg of cheese.
Not only this warehouse was an inspiration for the name Oudelandse Boerenkaas. The grandmother of Daan and René (the current owners of Treur Kaas) was born on the Oudelandseweg. The parental home is depicted on the label of Oudelandse Boerenkaas.